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It is okay to be informed

Lately in some hospital visits it is common for my parents to express their deep bewilderment over my information of symptoms and diseases, to the doctor. They call it “Internet Knowledge”. Yes I know, with just these one line it appears as if I have a paranoia of being infected by every virus ever. But let me assure you, being the writer of this post, that it on good authority (mine) that I claim to not be such. I am simply a humble sufferer consulting internet on whatever the numerous professionals have prescribed time and time again. Multi-Vitamins. Expensive Multi-Vitamins. Oh and stomach medicine for some reason.

Whatever you’re smelling, it is not me.

Now now, I do not doubt their capabilities, but obviously within their skills they have found nothing wrong with me. Which is supposed to be a good thing till you’re bedridden in mysterious pain for days. And so I have learned to not rely on the complicated names on the prescription so much so that I rely on my ability to perform valid searches on the internet. And I’m pretty sure it is just a joke that people search “headache” and end up believing they have a brain tumor, though they really could have it, who are you to diagnose them?

Sorry Doctor-san. Didn’t know you were reading this. UwU

Regardless, my point is, knowledge is not wrong, you are. No, really, you should get off the internet.

It is the way we utilize that knowledge that makes our lives simpler or complicated. In my case I’m simply reading up on the doctor’s diagnosis and checking what food boosts brain powers. So that I can enhance my psychic abilities to the fullest. But my parents telling the doctors that I keep diagnosing myself through the internet probably makes the doctor develop a bias that I’m just a child pining for some attention.

I think it is a good age that people that haven’t studies medicine can actually research whatever they are diagnosed with, and challenge their doctor with questions they are unprepared for. Because in my experience, doctors have made medicine a business rather than a caring profession. They take the risks in writing useless prescriptions and gain profit when folk trust in them.

Trust your doctor, but trust knowledge and experience more. It is okay to be informed.

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